The human immune cells - b-cells (2025)

B-cellsNaive B-cellsMemory B-cells

B cells, also known as B lymphocytes, are a type of white blood cell of the lymphocyte subtype, that mature in the bone marrow. They express B cell receptors on their surface that allow them to bind specific antigens, and function in the humoral immunity component of the adaptive immune system by secreting antibodies. Additionally, B cells are classical antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and also secrete cytokines.

In the Immune cell resource we have 301 cell lineage enriched genes and 149 of these genes has the highest expression in blood or lymphoid tissues when comparing all tissues and organs analysed. In addition, 280 genes are cell lineage group enriched and an additional 6 genes are enhanced in this cell lineage. Altogether, 587 genes are elevated and among these 226 also show highest expression in blood or lymphoid tissues when comparing all tissues and organs analysed.

Figure 1. The distribution of all genes across the five specificity categories based on transcript abundance in B-cell lineage as well as in the other five cell lineages.

Table 1. Number of genes in the subdivided categories of elevated expression in the B-cell lineage.

Distribution in the six cell lineages
Detected in singleDetected in someDetected in manyDetected in allTotal


Lineage enriched860489143
Group enriched0020566271
Lineage enhanced60006

Table 2. The genes with the highest level of enriched expression in B-cell lineage. "nTPM" shows the transcript level as protein-coding transcripts per million. Specificity-score corresponds to the score calculated as the fold change of B-cell lineage. expression to the second highest cell lineage.*

GeneDescriptionCell lineage distributionnTPMSpecificity score
VPREB3V-set pre-B cell surrogate light chain 3Detected in many807.5730
ENSG00000275063Detected in single404.4447
ENSG00000277856Detected in single34.5345
COL19A1collagen type XIX alpha 1 chainDetected in single32.0299
IGLL5immunoglobulin lambda like polypeptide 5Detected in many619.6247
ENSG00000277836Detected in single17.7178
WNT16Wnt family member 16Detected in single15.6146
KLHL14kelch like family member 14Detected in single10.6106
MS4A1membrane spanning 4-domains A1Detected in many630.096
CPNE5copine 5Detected in single51.793
CD19CD19 moleculeDetected in many172.590
STEAP1BSTEAP family member 1BDetected in single8.485

Naive B-cells

Naive B-cells reside in lymph nodes and are B-cells not yet exposed to an antigen. Upon antigen activation they will differentiate to either plasma cells or memory B-cells.

In the Immune cell resource we have 20 naive B-cell enriched genes and 6 of these genes has the highest expression in blood or lymphoid tissues when comparing all tissues and organs analysed. In addition, 367 genes are cell type group enriched and an additional 114 genes are enhanced in this cell type. Altogether, 501 genes are elevated and among these 205 also show highest expression in blood or lymphoid tissues when comparing all tissues and organs analysed.

The naive B-cells were isolated from PBMCs. Debris and cell aggregates were eliminated based on scatter profiles. Subsequently, monocytes, were eliminated by selecting CD14neg/SSClow sub-population of lymphocytes (FSClow/SSClow). B-cells population was selected as CD19+/CD3neg population. At the final step, population of CD19+/CD27neg naïve B-cells was sorted and 20,000 – 50,000 cells were sorted per sample for transcriptomic analysis by mRNA-sequencing. The transcriptome analysis shows that 45% (n=9149) of all human proteins (n=20162) are expressed in the naive B-cells and 367 of these genes show an elevated expression in naive B-cells compared to the other 17 cell types (see figure below).

Figure 3. The distribution of all genes across the five specificity categories based on transcript abundance in naive B-cells-cells as well as in the other 17 cell types.

Table 3. Number of genes in the subdivided categories of elevated expression in naive B-cells.

Distribution in the 19 cell types
Detected in singleDetected in someDetected in manyDetected in allTotal


Immune cell enriched1190020
Group enriched022811227367
Immune cell enhanced2940396114

Table 4. The genes with the highest level of enriched expression in naive B-cells. "nTPM" shows the transcript level as protein-coding transcripts per million. Specificity-score corresponds to the score calculated as the fold change of naive B-cell expression to the second highest cell type.

GeneDescriptionCell type distributionnTPMSpecificity score
GPR17G protein-coupled receptor 17Detected in single1.919
KCNG1potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily G member 1Detected in single7.118
DSPdesmoplakinDetected in single2.316
APBB2amyloid beta precursor protein binding family B member 2Detected in single5.516
JSRP1junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum protein 1Detected in single2.710
SLC26A4solute carrier family 26 member 4Detected in single1.08
TUBB3tubulin beta 3 class IIIDetected in single2.58
CCN2cellular communication network factor 2Detected in some8.17
AKAP6A-kinase anchoring protein 6Detected in single3.46
SLC2A5solute carrier family 2 member 5Detected in some23.35
H4C4H4 clustered histone 4Detected in single3.54
DBNDD1dysbindin domain containing 1Detected in some12.94

Memory B-cells

Memory B-cells are formed within germinal centers following primary infection, and are important in generating an accelerated and more robust antibody-mediated immune response in the case of re-infection. They are localized in areas of facilitated antigen encounter and compared to naive B-cells they have higher affinity to the immunizing antigen, a lifespan of decades instead of weeks, and faster and more efficient proliferation and differentiation.

In the Immune cell resource we have 23 memory B-cell enriched genes and 4 of these genes has the highest expression in blood or lymphoid tissues when comparing all tissues and organs analysed. In addition, 367 genes are cell type group enriched and an additional 95 genes are enhanced in this cell type. Altogether, 485 genes are elevated and among these 205 also show highest expression in blood or lymphoid tissues when comparing all tissues and organs analysed.

The memory B-cells were isolated from PBMCs. Debris and cell aggregates were eliminated based on scatter profiles. Subsequently, monocytes were eliminated by selecting CD14neg/SSClow sub-population of lymphocytes (FSClow/SSClow). B-cells population was selected as CD19+/CD3neg population. At the final step, population of CD19+/CD27+ memory B-cells was sorted and 5,000 – 19,000 cells were sorted per sample for transcriptomic analysis by mRNA-sequencing. The transcriptome analysis shows that 46% (n=9204) of all human proteins (n=20162) are expressed in the memory B-cells and 367 of these genes show an elevated expression in memory B-cells compared to the other 17 cell types (see figure below).

Figure 4. The distribution of all genes across the five specificity categories based on transcript abundance in memory B-cells as well as in the other 17 cell types.

Table 5. Number of genes in the subdivided categories of elevated expression in memory B-cells.

Distribution in the 19 cell types
Detected in singleDetected in someDetected in manyDetected in allTotal


Immune cell enriched1751023
Group enriched022611328367
Immune cell enhanced213932395

Table 6. The genes with the highest level of enriched expression in memory B-cells. "nTPM" shows the transcript level as protein-coding transcripts per million. Specificity-score corresponds to the score calculated as the fold change of memory B-cells expression to the second highest cell type.

GeneDescriptionCell type distributionnTPMSpecificity score
TAS1R3taste 1 receptor member 3Detected in single1.617
ARL14ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 14Detected in single1.815
APODapolipoprotein DDetected in single5.014
RASSF6Ras association domain family member 6Detected in single2.78
IL5interleukin 5Detected in single1.48
DKKL1dickkopf like acrosomal protein 1Detected in single1.76
H3C7H3 clustered histone 7Detected in single1.85
SPACA3sperm acrosome associated 3Detected in single1.25
SLC16A4solute carrier family 16 member 4Detected in single1.54
NTNG1netrin G1Detected in single1.14
PCDHGA12protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 12Detected in single1.24
The human immune cells - b-cells (2025)


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