Who Wrote The Movie Marie-Poupée (1976)

1. Marie-poupée - Wikidata

  • Bevat niet: wrote | Resultaten tonen met:wrote

  • 1976 film by Joël Séria

2. Marie-poupée (1976): dolls and fetishism - The Uncanny Archive

  • 8 okt 2021 · Marie-poupée (1976), dir. by Joël Séria, is a problematic, subversive French psychosexual drama with horror undertones, tackling the lurid, ...

  • Marie-poupée (1976) is a problematic, subversive French psychosexual drama with horror undertones, tackling the lurid, uncomfortable subject of fetishism.

3. Marie-Poupée - cinema - VPRO Gids

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  • Een onervaren meisje trouwt met een handelaar in en verzamelaar van poppen. Zij merkt dat hij haar als niets anders ziet dan als een nieuw object in zijn collectie, om aan en uit te kleden, zonder dat hij ooit met haar slaapt. Met de bewustwording van en toenemende frustratie over haar sensualiteit trekt ze wel ongewild anderen aan : een verkrachtingspoging door een simpele knecht wordt haar noodlottig. Deze merkwaardige studie van fetisjisme heeft aanvankelijk een vanzelfsprekende en onschuldig lijkende speelsheid die verrassend afwijkt van het gebruikelijke surrealisme, maar ook wel erg aan de oppervlakte blijft, zeker voor de lange tijdsduur. De film is uiteindelijk niet meer dan een pleidooi voor vitaliteit en ongecompliceerd genot. Goupil is ideaal popperig.

4. Vault Movie Review #6 – Marie-poupée aka Marie, the Doll

5. Review of the film Marie-poupée (1976) - Joel Seria - FrenchFilms.org

  • An in-depth review of the film Marie-poupee (1976), aka Marie, the Doll, directed by Joel Seria, featuring Jeanne Goupil, Andre Dussollier, Andrea Ferreol.

  • An in-depth review of the film Marie-poupée (1976), directed by Joël Séria.

6. Marie, the Doll (1976) — The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Jeanne Goupil. Marie-Poupée · André Dussollier. Claude · Andréa Ferréol. Ida Courtin · Bernard Fresson. Sergio · Fanny Ardant. Marie-Paule · Isabelle Cagnat.

  • Marie, who was orphaned as a young girl, has a case of arrested development that makes her act younger than her age. One day she stops to look in a store window displaying various ornate dolls. Claude, the affluent, eccentric store owner, sees her and becomes infatuated which leads to her and him meeting and deciding to go and take a look at Claude personal doll collection at his house. Marie, unaware of Claude's bizarre obsession with dolls, decides to marry him.

7. Marie, the Doll de Joël Seria (1976) - Unifrance

  • When Maria (Jeanne Goupil), a woman who is too beautiful to seem quite real, marries a dollmaker, her new husband finds it hard to treat her like a real ...

  • Located in Paris, Unifrance employs around 50 staff members, as well as representatives based in the U.S. China and Japan. The organisation currently brings together more than 1,000 French cinema and TV content professionals (producers, talents, agents, sales companies, etc.) working together to promote French films and TV programmes among foreign audiences, industry executives and media.  

8. Marie-poupée, dir. Joël Séria (1976) What it's about - Tumblr

  • Marie-poupée, dir. Joël Séria (1976) What it's about: The story centers around an immature, naive 17 year old girl named Marie, who meets Claude, ...

  • Marie-poupée, dir. Joël Séria (1976) What it’s about: The story centers around an immature, naive 17 year old girl named Marie, who meets Claude, the owner of a porcelain doll shop one day and the…

9. Marie-Poupée (Film, 1976) - MovieMeter.nl

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  • Drama film.

10. Marie Poupée : Joel Séria : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming

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  • No copyright infringement

11. Marie-poupée by Joël Seria on VoD - LaCinetek

  • Marie-poupée by Joël Seria (1976) available to watch on LaCinetek. ... Film by film · All films. Directors' lists. Currently · Hidden treasures · The top of the ...

  • Marie-poupée by Joël Seria (1976) available to watch on LaCinetek

12. Marie-poupée (1976) - Atomic Caravan

  • 3 jul 2015 · It hit me hard when I saw it and it made me very curious about Seria's other films. ... When he entered to story I thought, "Thank God, Marie ...

  • Spoilers abound, mes amis! Proceed with caution. I've been thinking a lot about my favorite films. I always said that when I turned 30 I...

13. Marie, the Doll (1976) - Plex

  • Marie, the Doll (1976) starring Jeanne Goupil, André Dussollier ... Marie, the Doll. Directed by Joël Séria. 1976 1h 46mDrama. 6.3. Add to Watchlist. 17-year ...

  • 17-year-old orphan Marie, with stunted maturity, meets affluent doll collector Claude. Unaware of his unhealthy obsession, she agrees to visit his doll collection. Despite her naivety, they marry, foreshadowing a disturbing dynamic.

Who Wrote The Movie Marie-Poupée (1976)


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